A comprehensive career guidance and counselling service is available to all students at St. Joseph‘s Community College, Charlestown. The career guidance counsellor helps students with study skills, subject choices and course and college information. Senior students have one class of career guidance each week.
They also complete a wide range of aptitude and personality tests to assess each students individual strengths. Students can avail of the opportunity to visit third level colleges throughout the senior cycle and get assistance on filling out CAO/UCAS forms. Other education outings include open day at NUIG (UCG), the Higher Options Career fair in Dublin (the largest in Ireland), Jobs of the Future career fair in GMIT etc .
Cross curricular links are also established between Career Guidance and the L.C.V.P. course, where students undertake a Career Investigation, prepare CVs and many other activities. Pupils are also in receipt of talks by visiting speakers from various universities, Institutes of Technology and colleges and by former pupils. Sixth year pupils may avail of a one-to-one session with the guidance counsellor.
Please use the following links to access various sections of our guidance and counselling department:
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New CAO points system for 2017 onwards: