
Why Music?

Music is an important part of everyone’s life. Studying Music promotes creativity and discipline, sharpens memory, develops analytical thinking and enables students to express their emotions. More and more career opportunities are opening up in the Music Industry and related areas (education, sound engineering, music therapy, performance). Many parts of the course focus on Music Technology, incorporating the most up to date software and hardware facilities. Junior and Leaving Cert Music Course is suitable for all students, male and female of all abilities.Music content

Employers are interested in people who have a proven experience in a broad selection of differenct subject areas. Research shows that both spatial and logical learning enhances career prospects


Junior Cert Music

In Junior Cert Music students will learn to sing and possibly play an instrument, they will listen to many types of Music such as pop, classical and traditional Irish Music and will begin composing, learning how to read and write Music. Students develop skills in listening, compoing and performing. It is not a requirement to be able to play an instrument to study Music for Junior Cert

Music is examined in two ways: a practical exam where students sing or play and instrument on their own or as part of a group and a combined written and aural exam in composing and listening to Music.

This part of the exam is worth 25% of the overall mark

The exam can be taken at Higher or Ordinary Level


Leaving Cert Music

The Course is designed with the student in mind, so that a package of study areas can be selected to suit strengths and interests. The core activity areas of the course develop listening, compoinsg and performing skills and include Rock Music (perscribed works explore music by The Beatles and Queen) and Music Technology. Each of the three core activities listening, composing and performing is allocated a 25% weighting. Students choose one of these areas to specialise in.

Performing in one or more instruments can form the core of your study assessed at 50 per cent. This can be as a soloist, as a member of a group, as an accompanist or as a conductor.   Students can sing or play an instrument or opt for Music Technology for this component of the exam. It is possible for students to incorporate their own musical tastes and musical activities in their Leaving Cert Music Studies.

The Leaving Cert Course progresses from the Junior Cert Course but it is not a requirement to have studied Music for Junior Cert