Chemistry is an experimental and practical subject and practical work by students is regarded as an integral part of the course. Ordinary level maths is sufficient to complete this course. This course is very inviting to any student with an interest in science. Chemistry is a great basis for any student who wants to continue science at third level and hence a career in the scientific field.
Why choose chemistry?
- To stimulate and sustain students’ interest in, and enjoyment of chemistry
- To provide a relevant course for those students who will complete their study of chemistry at this level
- To provide a foundation course in chemistry for those students who will continue their studies in chemistry or in related subjects
- To encourage an appreciation of the scientific, social, economic, environmental and technological aspects of chemistry and an understanding of the historical development of chemistry
- To illustrate generally how humanity has benefited from the study and practice of chemistry
- To develop an appreciation of scientific method and rational thought
- To develop skills in laboratory procedures and techniques, carried out with due regard for safety, together with the ability to assess the uses and limitations of these procedures
- To develop skills of observation, analysis, evaluation, communication and problem solving.
This syllabus is for students in the senior cycle of post-primary education and is assessed at Higher and Ordinary levels.